The company

Learn all about our team and our differentials

Tree Med was created by joining together talented professionals with decades of experience in the health area and who provide independent consulting, advising and management services. After many years of witnessing and interfering in the optimization of procedural processes involving provision of health services within the hospital environment and billing outcomes related to this, it became necessary to combine professional qualifications and create a company with a unique focus on the end of the medical and hospital process with health carriers and in managing public services, in an incessant search for efficient processes, aimed at preventing resources from being wasted.

Be surprised by a specialized team of employees involved in every stage that permeates public and private health services. We provide first-rate service in managing medical companies, based on specific knowledge to master care and financial transactions along with the technology involved in the corporate medical sector.


We understand that there is a constant need to improvement within the management binomial - optimization of resources. And that a constant analysis must be done to measure efficiency in patient care processes, always seeking good perceived quality in line with good administrative practices in health. That is why we offer a specialized and customized focus on the medical area for each segment, to be analyzed by our consultants, along with a detailed audit to perform diagnoses aimed at correcting management through the significant training and experience for professionals working in the administrative, operational and care areas. And because nothing happens without an efficient Information Technology system, we use this resource to allow us to ramify the analytical focuses, guaranteeing the modern world's most precious feature: fast access to information for technical managers who are responsible for the results of the products contracted.

A Tree Med visa sempre agir respeitosamente e com postura ética. Oferece habilidade para solução de conflitos e está comprometida com o êxito dos clientes. Estamos totalmente capacitados a agir com excelência em todos os aspectos para a administração da saúde e análise diferenciada da execução dos contratos.

We are supported on a tripod: specialist physician; nurse specialized in the industry; and an administrative staff member with experience in analyzing accounts. This allows us to analyze and develop customized strategies to manage resources, at the hospital level and in a mobile manner, relying on a network of partners who are totally involved with projects contracted and their operational success.




We know that the health area is in many respects a complex administrative sector, even within the medical community. The challenges that need to be faced range from forming the right articles of association to create a business to difficulties in clearly showing proposals created for medical companies to provide services, whether in response to calls for bids to provide public or private services.

Medical companies also run into difficulties in dealing with health carriers in order to guarantee their revenues. It is important that we help them to know about the additional and fundamental activities that interfere with analysis and auditing of medical billing submitted by the service providers contracted so as to prevent any negative impact on the final balance of the process.

And when it comes to the public sector, the complexity in managing projects, contracts and processes is even greater. Frugality and responsibility are needed in relation to public coffers. Smart solutions need to be shown, which guarantee fulfillment of the contract established and avoid unnecessary waste.

We aim to transparently balance care and the cost of operations involved, guaranteeing that the service quality perceived by the patient is maintained along with the satisfaction of the party contracting provision of services.


See all of the options that Tree Med has to help you

Management of medical billing
Management of medical billing

Our Medical Billing Management Center works with situational diagnosis of therapeutic services executed, highlighting absences, waste and alternatives that favor performance of this task, which customers expect within an intended time frame and with rational use of resources.

OPSM Auditing
OPSM Auditing

Our OPSM (Orthotics, Prosthetics and Special Materials) Auditing Center works to identify differences between costs and disbursement of inputs involved in the care processes selected, creating a list of improved costs in providing the variety of services that make up medical billing, managing unequal amounts in the provider network and mapping the solutions proposed for commercial agreements.

Contract auditing
Contract auditing

Our Contract Auditing Center works to map elements to adapt and renegotiate business contracts, using loss indicators to assemble a cost to benefit ratio.

Consulting and Advising for establishment of medical companies and contract management
Consulting and Advising for establishment of medical companies and contract management

We know that for the medical community, this can be a very complex task. For the most part, this area is usually exclusively involved with providing care. There is nothing like circumventing this difficulty by seeking assistance from those who understand the vocabulary. We provide advising on everything from creating your company and administrative management of your contract up to the support needed in the event you want to let your company compete to provide public or private services. That way there is time left for you to spend time solely on the noble art of healing.

Health Services Management
Health Services Management

Whether in the public or private sector, we rely on many partnerships for excellence in managing health services of every size.

Business Consulting Brazil x Paraguay
Business Consulting Brazil x Paraguay

We already have a partner company in-country. Paraguay is on the rise, due to its many attributes in various aspects. This company works to build ties between our neighboring country through business activities in various spheres and by growing entrepreneurial relations, seeking sustainable corporate solutions that benefit both countries.

Mobile Health Service
Mobile Health Service

Also known as itinerant health, this service relies on an extensive network of companies that have joined with Tree Med. We have a large catalog of services customized to fit with our smart health solutions.
It includes solutions such as Women's Health, Geriatric Health, Child Health, Vascular Health, School Health, Dental Health and Men's Health.
This is in addition to mobile surgical units for minor clinical procedures, imaging services (mammography and bone densitometry) and lab analyses. We also have partners in the veterinary sector who work with mobile clinics for animal neutering and spaying projects to make a positive impact in protecting and controlling the homeless animal population.


See Tree Med partner companies and people

Our team

Dra. Ana Claudia Galdez Monteiro - General Director
Dr. Ricardo Augusto Dias Quintela - Technical Director
Dr. José Guilherme Machado Gomes - Operational Director
Adriana M. Lehmann - Brazil-Paraguay Commercial Representative

Contact us

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Our locations

Edifício Superia, Moema Corporate Sala 305 Al. dos Maracatins, 1217, Moema, São Paulo – SP Postal Code 04089-014

Asunción, Paraguay Calle Independecia Nacional Esq. Mcal. Estigarribia, 349


(11) 5542-1848